Nature kNOWS social media

I started working with the founder of Nature Knows in 2020 to revamp her feed on Instagram. Every month we have a strategy call to go over how we will represent her brand next month. We discuss upcoming events and evaluate current trends that we can incorporate into the Instagram posts. She primarily focuses on family, healthy snack alternatives, convenient, healthy meal prep, and togetherness. We try to keep the subject matter as wholesome and mindful as possible, especially during the Pandemic, where people's lives have changed. Nature Knows content also focuses on climate action, composting, and ways to be kinder to the planet.

About Nature Knows:

"Nature Knows Ready-to-Eat, Fresh Fruits & Veggies. All-natural, with no preservatives, nut-free, & gluten-free. Finally, a safe and healthy solution for all ages, to eat well on the go, anytime you need, anywhere you go!" -Nature Knows Website

Check out Nature Knows:

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Tiffinday Social Media


Naan & Kabob Instagram Reels